Aizer Campus Donation Assist —— Liu Xinrong、Tang Zhengqing、Yongzheng w88 sports betting appRu's alumni donation ceremony was held at school
Time: 2023-10-16 Author: Views: 627

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June28Day morning,Liu Xinrong、Tang Zhengqing、Yongzheng Ru alumni donated signing ceremony to the Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Education Development Foundation was held at school。Executive Vice President of Jiangke University Alumni Association、Vice President Tang Jian attended the meeting and made an important speech,91Alumni Liu Xinrong, Tang Zhengqing,92Alumni Yongzhengru、Yuan Zhenjiang Grain School teacher Yang Changchun made a special trip to school to attend the meeting,School Office、General Teacher Office、Trade Union、Participate in the relevant functional departments of the Foreign Cooperation Office,The meeting is school assistant、Host of the Director of the Foreign Cooperation Division。

Vice President Tang Jian first warmly welcomed the three outstanding alumni to return to his alma mater on behalf of the school.,Introduce the history of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,He said w88 online casino bettingthat Zhenjiang Grain School, Jiangsu Province1995Further renamed Jiangsu Jianghai Trade School in Jiangsu Province later,1999Enter the school in the year,is one of the important source flow of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Trained it successively8000Talent in the food industry,Active contribution to economic and social development, especially the grain industry。This year4month11Day,Jiangsu Province Food Bureau signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with our school,Unveil the establishment of the School of Food at the School of Food of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology、The training base of the Jiangsu Grain Industry Research Institute and Jiangsu Grain Industry Senior Talents。Alumni of various places have expressed their willingness to care about school development through various methods such as donating funds。Thank you very much for the good models and love of the three outstanding alumni today。

Then the donation signing ceremony was held, Vice President Tang Jian and91Alumni、Suzhou Jiahe Food Co., Ltd. Liu Xinrong signed100Wann Donating Agreement; Vice President Tang Jian and92Alumni、Yongjiantang Food Co., Ltd. Chairman Yongzhi Ru Signed5010,000 yuan and5010,000 yuan material donation agreement.

Finally, the two sides have a discussion and exchange,91Liu Xinrong Alumni is very happy to return to his alma mater to donate money,He said that since graduation, he has been deeply rooted in the grain industry,Pay attention to the development of alma mater at the same time,I hope that the establishment of the School of Food to cultivate more outstanding talents for the grain industry,Comprehensively helping the grain industry scientific and technological innovation。92Emperor Yongzheng Ru alumni said,Today's donation assistant representatives I have a little meager mind and return for my alma mater to start the grain school,Hope the school is based on its own characteristics,Cultivate excellent food skills talents,Create a professional brand of food。Yuan Zhenjiang Grain School teacher Yang Changchun recalls the w88 sports bettingpast,The majority of alumni are the most precious wealth of the school,is a witness to school reform and development、Participants and builders。I am very excited and very proud of the two students who have brought it to the alma mater,Return to the alma mater to donate funds for help,Support the Construction of the School of Food。I believe that the School of Food must be great in implementing the new strategy of national grain security and cultivating outstanding talents in grain、There must be a thing,At the same time, I also hope that more and more alumni will care about the development of the School of Food。(Transfer from the Alumni Foundation of Jiangke University)