Introduction to the College

The School of Food is the University of Science and Technology of Jiangsu"Three Source",originated from Zhenjiang Grain School, Jiangsu Province, established in 1979,It is supported by the competent department of the grain industry in Jiangsu Province,Integrated school existing engineering、Agriculture、Biology and other discipline advantages and original grain and w88 sports bettingw88 sports betting appoil processing、Storage and other traditional resources,Absorption of outstanding alumni donations,High starting point resume construction。

College existing food engineering、Food quality and safety、Food Science and Engineering Three full -time undergraduate majors,AaLevelMaster's degree authorization pointFood Science and EngineeringConstruction with the School of BiotechnologyMaster of Food Processing and Safety. Existing faculty60 people,50 full -time teachers,Professor 7 people,Associate professor 15 people,Have a doctoral degree teacherPortal94%Existing Master's Graduate Tutor30 (including national foodPart -time Division of the Science Research Institute of the Material Reserve)、Boader 1,Another hireMore than 10 practical experienced and experienced out -of -school enterprise institutions formed a team of part -time teachers (including 3 professors of Deep Blue),Has been formedA reasonable structure、High education level、Rich teaching experience、Teachers with strong engineering background。
   The college has a provincial engineering research center-Jiangsu Grain Biological Processing Engineering Research Center,Build a comprehensive experimental teaching center with grain and oil food,With 7 basic teaching laboratories in grain and oil,14 grain w88 online sports bettingw88 sports bettingand oil majors and characteristic team laboratories。Constract scientific research direction around the characteristics of grain,Formation of grain storage technology and quality control、Storage objects insects and pest control、The theory and technology of deep processing theory and technology of grain and oil、Grain fermentation technology and high -value utilization、Food and Food Testing Technology and Application、Research teams such as food and oil food safety and nutrition and health。College teacherNearYearfirstAfter undertaking the National Natural Science Foundation of China、Provincial Natural Science Fund、City Hall level and industry、More than 70 items of corporate commissioned cooperation projects,
Cumulative to account funding for cumulative accounts1000Wan million yuan

College and Jiangsu Province Food and Material Reserve Bureau jointly build the Jiangsu Grain Industry Research Institute、Jiangsu Grain Industry Senior Talent Training Base。It is the executive director unit of the China Food and Oils Association、Vice Chairman Unit of Jiangsu Provincial Food and Oils Association、Jiangsu Province Grain Storage and Processing Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance Deputy Director Unit、Jiangsu Province Vice Chairman Unit of Quality Glutinous w88 online casino bettingRice Industry Technology w88 slot onlineInnovation Strategy Alliance、The Unit of Vice Chairman of the Federation of Products and Education in the Grain Industry,The Director Unit of the Food Stream Branch of the China Food and Oils Association,Jiangsu brand rice industry technology innovation strategy alliance and smart grain industry development allianceetc.Member unit.College insists on politics、Production、Learning、Deep integration,The Institute of Science and Technology of the State Food and Material Reserve、Jiangsu Province Food and Material Reserve、Su Fa Group and others signed a cooperation agreement,In talent training、Comprehensive cooperation in internship employment and scientific research,Provide high -quality resources and platforms for the school's schooling and development。

College pays attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability and innovation ability,Encourage students to actively participate in international exchanges、Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and other activities。Students are in"Oriental Purple" Cup The first National College Student Silklore Sang Biotechnology Competition、Fourth National College Student Life Science Innovation Entrepreneurship Competition、The 3rd Jiangsu Provincial College Student Food Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship w88 online casino bettingCompetition won special w88 sports bettingprizes、First prize awards。SelfSince 2017,There are nearly a hundred students who have won national scholarships、National Inspirational Scholarship、"Minghe Scholarship" and other funding。StudentIn various activities、Get personal in the competition、Group awards total more than 200 items。The employment rate of the first graduate of 2017 level 95.37%,Serving the regional economic talent rate of the Yangtze River Delta 77.78%;2018GraduatesEmployment rate98.98%,Postgraduate entrance examination rate42%,64%of students"Double first -class" college admission2019Graduate graduate postgraduate entrance examination rate47.96%。

 Adhering to traditional、The Food Institute of Food Sailing again will condense the heart,Ersenation,For construction"Attraction to students、Contribution to the industry、Let the alumni have a sense of glory、Influential colleges that are influential at home and abroad "continue to work hard!

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