食安系开展“Opening new lessons, new teaching trial lectures and teaching discussions”活动
Time: 2024-03-22 Author: Views: 148

2024year3month21Day afternoon14points, all teachers of food quality and safety at the School of Food436The conference room was launched withOpening new lessons, new teaching trial lectures and teaching discussionsEvent. This teaching and research activity is mainlyZhang Zhihong, Zhang Qi, Shi QiaoqiaoThe new starting lectures and collective teaching discussions of the three teachers.

  First,Zhang Zhihong、Zhang Qi、Shi Qiaoqiao three teachers conducted "Food Sanitation"、"Food and Federation"、"Food Immunology" three courses for trial lectures。Three teachers' curriculum design meets requirements,The content of the course is full,Explanation is sufficient。Later, the teachers in the departure reviewed the content of the trial lectures and the performance of lectures,While affirming the teaching level of the three young teachers,I made a proposal w88 online sports bettingto improve the improvement and improvement suggestion。

Subsequent,All teachers communicated with the new situation and new situation encountered in the process of explanation of the new semester.,and actively share the existing classroom experience and teaching skills in the personal teaching process。Collective discussions on the basis of fully affirming the results of the new opening content trial lecture,In particular, the importance of strengthening curriculum ideas in curriculum teaching,Preparation from the course content、PPTproduction、The design of the interactive link has been exchanged。In the entire teaching w88 sports betting appand research activity,The whole department teachers are integrated and widely beneficial、Full communication,The atmosphere of the discussion activity is harmonious,Getting good results。 

                               (Food Safety Department  Written by Li Zhanming)

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